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Order Account Archive CD-ROM

You can purchase an Account Archive CD-ROM that contains up to 7 years of account statements and check images for checking, savings and money market accounts. Any applicable fee will be deducted from your account.

  • To order your Account Archive CD-ROM, click "Order Account Archive CD-ROM" in the History section under Account Management in the Customer Service menu.
  • Select the account that you want on your Account Archive CD-ROM
  • Choose an "Order Type" by selecting either a Standard Order or Custom Order
    • A Standard Order contains up to 7 years of statements and check images, searchable by month
    • A Custom Order lets you select the date range for which you want account statements and check images

Your Account Archive will be mailed to your address on file in approximately 7 to 10 business days. Please make sure the address on your account is current. If you need to change your address, use the " Mailing Address" link under “My Profile” on the Customer Service menu and select the account for which you are ordering an Account Archive CD-ROM. When changing your address, please allow 2-3 business days before ordering your CD-ROM.