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Sign up for Alerts

To sign up for Alerts:

Go to Customer Service

Click "View & Manage Alerts"

Provide an email address and/or mobile number (to receive text Alerts)

After choosing to sign up, click "View & Manage Alerts" under Customer Service and you will be brought to a page to "Sign Up". If you do not have an email address on file you will be asked to provide one.

By signing up for Alerts, you are automatically signed up for the following:

  • Profile Alerts - lets you know if your information has changed, such as Customer ID, password or contact information. Profile Alerts can be disabled, but we encourage you to keep them enabled to help protect your account(s).
  • Suspicious Card Activity Alert - if you have a consumer credit or debit card.
  • Card locked/unlocked Alert - if you have a consumer credit or debit card, or a business debit card.

Please be sure to adjust your email settings to allow emails from commercebankalerts@commercebank.com

Secondary email address

After you have signed up for Alerts, you have the option to add or edit a secondary email address. On the Manage Alerts page, click the link under “Secondary email address” on the left side.

Text Alerts

On the Manage Alerts page, click the “Sign up for text Alerts” link on the left side.

Accept the Terms and Conditions

Register your mobile device

You'll receive a text with a 5-digit activation code and will need to enter the code to complete your enrollment