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Update Security Questions / Answers

You may change one or more of your questions, or change your answers to the questions you’ve already selected, at any time, as often as you like.

A valid answer:

  • Must be at least two characters in length
  • Consist only of letters and numbers and does not contain special characters
  • May not match your Customer ID or answers to your other security questions
  • Is not case sensitive

To choose a new question, click on the drop down list and select a question. Then type your answer in the space below the question. Note: Answers are not case-sensitive.

To provide a new answer to a question you’ve already selected, locate the question and type the new answer in the space below the question.

If you make changes to any of your questions or answers, click “Submit" to record your changes.

If you elect not to change anything, click "Cancel" to exit the screen without making changes.